lc Projects


The Product

My team and I created an Android and iOS payroll app that oversees every aspect of the payroll process (i.e. Hour Counter, Pay Amount, Direct Deposit, etc). This was built to work for either corporate or small businesses, but targeted for small businesses, and geared more towards the Android development side of the spectrum.

We used an Agile development approach towards building this application. Firebase was incorporated as the database for AllTheWage, and many APIs were used such as Firebase API and Plaid API, and various development, version control, and communication services were used such as Slack and GitHub

Skills Attributed

  • Java
  • Android Studios
  • Android Development
  • Firebase
  • Agile Methodology
  • Mobile Development


This application was created for our software engineering course. We were allowed to freely come up with an idea for our software project, so we came up with a payroll app. We wanted to create something that was practical and others would use if we decided to publish the app. Going into the development, we planned for the release of the app onto the store with the finished product. Our team incorporated many of the ideas and methodologies learned from our course, such as Agile. By the end of the semester, we had a decent prototype ready. We decided to continue working on the product the following semester on our own time, however we were not able to make a finished product due to conflicting schedules.


  • Hour Scheduler/Maintainer
  • Pay Rate/Salary Manager
  • Location-Based Login
  • Direct Deposit
  • Employer/Employee Communication Board
  • Communication Forum
  • Request Notification

My Role

My main tasks in this project were the creation of the hour scheduler, pay rate manager, and database access and display using Java in Android Studios, and Google's Firebase API. I played a part in converting some Swift code to Java code, supporting other functionalities of the product, and provided clear and effective feedback, as well as ideas.

Last Call

The Product

Last Call is a database driven web app that offers users an easy and convenient way to plan party essentials. This project was geared towards the Tallahassee area specifically since Tallahassee/FSU is known for its parties.

Designed using ER Model incorporated for the SQL database with SQLite, using Python with the Flask framework to connect the back-end with the front-end. Front-end created using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Skills Attributed

  • SQL
  • Python
  • SQLite
  • JavaScript
  • Webdev
  • Leadership Role


This product was originally commissioned to my friends and I by a 3rd party. They wanted an application for a party central for their startup company. However, those plans fell through, but my friends and I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate this product for our database course project. Our database course required us to make a web application that incorporates a database so we asked for permission from the 3rd party in order to use this original idea.


  • Account and Event Creation
  • Event Invitations
  • SQL Database Queries
  • Rating System
  • Party Dashboard
  • Party Essentials Delivery Service
  • Spotify Playlists

My Role

Took on a leadership role and assigned tasks to other teammates, making sure the team was working in a clear direction. Implemented the SQL database and JavaScript code, as well as some of the Python code. Made sure the work process was flowing smoothly and provided ideas on what other functionalities can be added to our product.

The Product is a website created as an outlet for people to familiarize with Jamine Guo. This website is presented for recruiters and the public.

I designed this website from scratch using HTML, CSS, and a bit of JavaScript and Bootstrap. Bootstrap was used mainly for containers and a few other components such as navbar and carousel

Skills Attributed

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • Graphic Design
  • GitHub Pages


The purpose of this website is to let others get to know a bit more about me. There were many reasons why I wanted to have a personal website. I wanted some internet presence, an outlet for others to get to know me, a portfolio for recruiters, and a central place for all my content. I originally wanted to incorporate all these reasons into this website, but I figured a portfolio is a great start, although this isn't just a portfolio, it's also a great way to get to know me personally.


  • Multi-page Design
  • About Page
  • Projects Page
  • Recruiters Page
  • Bootstrap Layout
  • Resume

My Role

I was the only one to have worked on this website, using a YouTube video as a guide to get started with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This website was created using prior knowledge of web development, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from online courses and guides, as well as experience learned through the process of creating this.

Future Plans

I intend to keep this website up-to-date as my career grows. I also plan to include more features whenever I have the time and opportunity to. Future updates will make this website into a more personalized space with content creation, business inquiries, and such. I am keeping track of ideas that I plan on incorporating, on a txt file in the source code for this website. Most notable of these planned so far are responsive optimization, website traffic stats, and pages for business inquiries, transactions, and more.