Hello, I'm Jamine Guo and welcome to my website!

I am a recent graduate of FSU looking for a software developer position.

This isn't just another portfolio, this is a great way to get to know me! Please feel free to look around this website to get to know me better and contact me if you have any questions.



Hi, I am Jamine, a graduate from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. After taking part in developing a few applications, I knew I wanted to continue my career in software development. I love the collaborative environment and the satisfaction of creating a product that others will find useful. I believe my two biggest traits are that I am very detail-oriented and I come up with many bright ideas as I code. What I am looking for is an entry-level software developer position in order to develop my skills and lead my own projects in the future.

The Website

I've had the idea to create my own personal website for a very long time. That is partly why I took a head start on a Udemy course for JavaScript. I thought that it would be a good idea to showcase myself, while using it for many other practical uses. I've finally taken upon myself to create this website! This website is written completely from scratch using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. I wanted it to be a challenge in order to experience the development, as well as showcase my own abilities and creativity. I plan to keep this updated throughout my career.

And More

There is a lot more about me than what is shown here. If you would like to know more about me as a person then check out the about page. If you would like to know more about me as a developer then be sure to see the recruiters page as well as the projects I've worked on.


Here are some projects I've worked on. Click on specific projects if you would like to know more about them!


Android app that does the whole payroll process for businesses

Last Call

Web application featuring a one-stop party planning central


Website to get to know and interact with Jamine Guo

Projects in Detail See All Projects

Get In Touch

The best way to contact me is by email! Please send a quick message to my email, as well as your contact information and any relevant instructions. Thank you!